Last Week in AVP #41: Mac Virtual Display Ultrawide Special Edition! All the Reviews, Use Cases, First Looks and more!
Vision Pro Ultrawide Display Turns a Little MacBook into a Productivity Powerhouse (roadtovr)
Vision Pro Ultrawide Display Turns a Little MacBook into a Productivity Powerhouse
See it in action 👉
The Ginormous, Virtual Wraparound Mac Screen Is Why You Buy the $3,500 Apple Vision Pro (Gizmodo)
Paired together, my review copy of the Pro 16 and Apple Vision Pro cost $5,000. Using the higher-end Macs with M4 Pro with the 20-core GPU means I can play games like Resident Evil 4 at the full resolution without worrying about framerate drops. That’s still an incredible amount of money for this kind of experience (and all while ignoring all the lingering comfort issues with the Vision Pro). It also won’t work with every game that runs natively on macOS. Death Stranding through the App Store doesn’t support ultra-wide monitors. At most, it can get to a wide 21:9 aspect ratio.
Testing the Vision Pro With New Ultrawide Display Option in visionOS 2.2 (macrumors)
The first developer beta of visionOS 2.2 came out yesterday, and it includes a much anticipated new feature for Vision Pro users. When using the Vision Pro as a display for a Mac, there are now options to use wide and ultrawide layouts in addition to the standard virtual display.
Vision Pro gives developer ultra-wide virtual screen in minimal rig (cultofmac)
New M4 Mac minis: Perfect for this
Another user realized the tiny and incredibly capable M4 and M4 Pro Mac minis might be great for this type of thing, and Panchèvre heartily agreed.
“Vision Pro with the new Mac mini M4 is gonna be a beast,” they commenter said.
“100% that’s the next step,” agreed Panchèvre. “Just have a Mac mini sitting on your desk and run the entire screen through Vision Pro.”
Super impressed with Ultra wide Mac Virtual Display (source)
Honestly, the new Mac screen mirroring for Apple Vision Pro is super impressive to the point where I might actually start to use it lol It just wasn’t sharp enough before and with limited resolution, was no better (frankly, worse) than the built-in display. This may well change the game.
Mac Virtual Display’s Wide AND UltraWide modes in action (source)
Apple Vision Pro takes Mac gaming to another level (source)
Apple Vision Pro takes Mac gaming to another level 🎮
You can game on an ultrawide OLED monitor of any size, place it anywhere, even on the ceiling. Or on a massive IMAX screen in a dark theater, or on the moon. That’s a futuristic experience.
AVP is the ultimate X monitor (source)
This is the ultimate X monitor. Apple Vision Pro. Wow. You can't do this on any other social media.
4K macOS wallpapers for Ultrawide in Vision Pro (source)
I made 4K macOS wallpapers for Ultrawide in Vision Pro. It gives cool translucent vibes
Ultrawide is the KILLER feature for the Apple Vision Pro (source)
I FINALLY tried out the ultra-wide display, and I’m sorry, but I refuse to accept that this isn’t already the KILLER feature for the Apple Vision Pro. I edited this entire video on it, and here are my thoughts:
1. Productivity Boosted to the Max: I was so much faster than usual, never needing to switch between any windows. It is so cool.
2. Sharper Display: It’s hard to describe, but the clarity is so much closer to Retina now. Everything feels significantly sharper and more refined.
3. Immersive Experience: You truly feel godlike. This isn’t something my video can capture—you have to experience this massive screen curving around you to really understand what I mean.
I used to tell everyone that while I loved the virtual Mac setup for when I’m on the go, I still preferred my 5K Studio Display at home. Well, that’s over, guys. Nothing beats this level of screen size and aspect ratio.
Apple Vision Pro has destroyed every display in my home (source)
To the patient ones: Apple Vision Pro has destroyed every display in my home. With wide & ultrawide options in the latest vision OS 2.2 beta my productivity is unlimited. 3 windows open side by side including my main editing DaVinci Resolve+whatever I want from vision OS
I’m in love with the Ultrawide Mac Virtual Display (source)
Mac Virtual Display Panoramic first lock
Say goodbye to your physical monitors with ultrawide (source)
Say goodbye to your physical monitors. Now you can enjoy a virtual ultrawide screen using a Mac in combination with Apple Vision Pro and it looks absolutely gorgeous.
New desk setup with AVP ultrawide (source)
Mac Virtual Display in visionOS 2.2 is amazing, it's super clear and easy to read text now, this is totally my new main monitor
The MacRumors Show: visionOS 2.2 and Where Vision Pro Goes Next (source)
Mac mini M4 + Apple Vision Pro (Death Stranding Director’s Cut + widescreen virtual Mac) (source)
Did I Waste $7500 on Apple’s Vision Pro? The Surprising Truth
Mac mini + Apple Vision Pro amazing combo in a tiny package (source)
New preferred configuration. Belkin head strap for Vision Pro (source)
New prefered configuration. Belkin head strap for Vision Pro for those interested. Slightly better than Spigen’s in regard to ease of adjustability and versatility; Spigen’s has more sizing limits. Plus it looks better and feels soft like the Dual Loop Strap material.
Apple’s sample project on TabletopKit (source)
New Apple Vision Pro study reveals promising performance in radiology (source)
A new study published this week by researchers at the University of California, San Diego highlights how Apple Vision Pro can be used in healthcare settings. In particular, this study sought to compare diagnostic performance when using Apple Vision Pro versus using a desktop.
Researchers also touted the “new opportunities for 3D virtualization” and ergonomics offered by Apple Vision Pro.
Meet the Belkin Head Strap for AVP, secure and beautifully designed (source)
Comparison of the new Belkin travel case (source)
That’s all for now, know someone who might enjoy this newsletter? Please share with them! 🙏
Until next week 👋
Please keep this up!